The role of football in the independence of Algeria (1954-1962)


  • Lorenzo Abbona Castagno UNC


Algeria, independence, football, FLN, FIFA


The article seeks to investigate the role of football in Algerian independence (1954-1962). The main methodology will be the analysis of testimonies of key actors and written sources such as the newspaper El Moudjahid and Le Monde, among others.

Sport would have been a vehicle to spread the Algerian cause among countries related to the National Liberation Front (NLF). At the same time, FIFA will have a key role in the field of action of the selected because it will limit it effectively.

After independence, football will end up linked to the Algerian national identity, with reminiscences even today. Four of these episodes were chosen to analyze: France vs Algeria (1975), East Germany vs Algeria (1982), France vs Algeria (2001) and the celebrations for obtaining the Africa Cup (2019).


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Author Biography

Lorenzo Abbona Castagno, UNC

UNC, Córdoba capital, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Abbona Castagno, L. (2023). The role of football in the independence of Algeria (1954-1962). Revista Central De Sociología, 17(17), 75-92.



Artículos científicos dossier Fútbol, Poder y Superligas